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Tag Archives: Estate Planning (Sentinel)

Uses And Abuses Of Conservation Easements

natural landscape of forested mountains.

Conservation easements are a powerful planning tool for safeguarding land indefinitely while simultaneously providing tax deductions in the short term. Understanding how they work, and the ways some bad actors abuse them, is key to understanding whether they are right for you.
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Gift-Giving Makes Good Tax Sense, Except When It Doesn’t

person holding a gift box with a decorative yellow ribbon.

Balancing the benefits of lifetime gifts and bequests that receive a step-up in basis is a complicated exercise. But taking the time to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches can help you make the most of the current regulations without neglecting long-term concerns.
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An ESG Investing Hazard For Fiduciaries

As ESG investing evolves, more people may want their trusts or employer-provided retirement plans to reflect their values. Trustees and managers subject to fiduciary duty should take special care to document their decisions if they incorporate ESG considerations into their investment strategies.
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Securing Your IRA Goals After The SECURE Act

January 2020 may feel like a long time ago, but it marked a relatively recent update to the rules governing retirement accounts, especially individual retirement accounts. This means that even if you previously decided how to handle your traditional or Roth IRA upon your death, you may need to revisit your plan to ensure it still works the way you intend.
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Timely Estate Strategies For An Opportune Moment

The future always includes an element of uncertainty, even if the legislative landscape feels relatively stable. Taxpayers may want to take advantage of various strategies to make the most of the current rules while they remain in effect.
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Fostering A Taste For Business

Rapper and entrepreneur Rick Ross has long been vocal about entrepreneurship and the importance of generational wealth. He recently demonstrated that commitment with an unusual — and tasty — birthday gift.
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