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Tag Archives: Tax Issues (Sentinel)

Uses And Abuses Of Conservation Easements

natural landscape of forested mountains.

Conservation easements are a powerful planning tool for safeguarding land indefinitely while simultaneously providing tax deductions in the short term. Understanding how they work, and the ways some bad actors abuse them, is key to understanding whether they are right for you.
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Is My Bentley Deductible?

yachts docked, viewed from above.

The concept of enjoying luxury cars, yachts or aircraft while also using them in your tax planning can be alluring. However, it’s critical to approach these opportunities with caution and compliance.
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The September Tax Data Dump

Smartphone and tax prep documents.

There are a variety of reasons a taxpayer could need an extension, but a common one is waiting on a form that an organization has not yet issued. Some of the most common forms that leave taxpayers waiting are Schedule K-1s, K-2s and K-3s.
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Gift-Giving Makes Good Tax Sense, Except When It Doesn’t

person holding a gift box with a decorative yellow ribbon.

Balancing the benefits of lifetime gifts and bequests that receive a step-up in basis is a complicated exercise. But taking the time to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches can help you make the most of the current regulations without neglecting long-term concerns.
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