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Five Questions With: Amy Laburda

Five Questions With: Amy Laburda, Administrative Manager (Editorial and Social Media)

Amy joined Palisades Hudson’s staff in 2010 and became a manager in 2015. Her role includes coordinating our Sentinel newsletter, overseeing our social media channels, and editing the firm’s two books (Looking Ahead: Life, Family, Wealth and Business After 55 and The High Achiever’s Guide to Wealth). She works out of the firm’s Stamford, Connecticut office.

Amy Laburda in Palisades Hudson baseball cap.
Amy modeling Palisades Hudson swag on vacation in Tennessee.
Photo courtesy Amy Laburda.

1. What’s your favorite thing about your work at Palisades Hudson?

I really love collaborating with my colleagues, which is lucky, since that’s the bulk of my day! I’ve learned a lot writing Sentinel articles and book chapters with our client service staff. But I’m just as thrilled to catch up with what our Entertainment & Sports clients are up to from financial planning manager Ashley Luhmann, or to facilitate a roundup of our staff’s kids’ Halloween costumes. My job means checking in with basically everyone at Palisades Hudson sometimes, which is great.

2. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I was bound for musical theatre stardom as a kid! You could catch me in every school play, concert or performance they’d let me onstage for well into my teen years.

3. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read recently?

While I’d read Bram Stoker’s Dracula before, it was tons of fun to revisit it via Dracula Daily in 2022. Since the novel is told in the form of dated letters and diaries, organizer Matt Kirkland arranged a system where portions of the novel arrived in readers’ email inboxes on the corresponding date. It made reading a 19th century novel something like appointment television, where you could discuss the latest installment with other readers in real time.

detail of braided, homemade bread.
Houska, photo courtesy Amy Laburda

4. Do you have a talent totally unrelated to your work?

Baking has been a way to unwind since I was in my teens, and practice does make … well, pretty good, if not perfect! I love making yeasted breads, especially a holiday egg bread called houska that was passed down from my grandmother. But cookies, pies, brownies: I really am game for trying most things at least once.

5. What’s one place in your city you’d suggest to an out-of-town visitor?

Since I live in New York City, picking just one isn’t easy. But if you have any interest in the performing arts or architecture, I highly recommend the tour of Radio City Music Hall. It’s a standby for me when I’m hosting out-of-town visitors. If you’re lucky, you may even get to venture out onto the stage itself.

Administrative Manager Amy Laburda, who is based in our Stamford, Connecticut office, is the editor of the firm’s recently updated book, The High Achiever’s Guide To Wealth, and co-authored two of its chapters. She also edited the firm’s previous book Looking Ahead: Life, Family, Wealth and Business After 55.